About Us

FAG Farms was founded in March 2022 by agricultural technologist Toyyib Fagbenro to fulfill his life-long vision of bridging the gap between Nigerian farm goodness and family nutrition. After witnessing the vast difference in freshness and quality between cultivation sites and local markets during his 5 years working on integrated farms, Toyyib set out to build a modern farm-to-table supply chain benefitting both farmers and consumers nationwide.


Today, FAG Farms oversees agricultural production on farms across hectares of fertile land in Lagos and Ogun states. Our team of 5 agricultural experts and additional contract labor navigate our farms leveraging the richest cultivation practices and technologies to yield staple crops and livestock. We then handle product processing, milling, and packaging - delivering finished farm-fresh goods like bean flour, yam flour, and more to shops and homes across Nigeria.



Our mission is to deliver farm-fresh produce and packaged foods to communities across Nigeria. We cultivate the land's goodness through environmentally sound practices and bridge the gap from small local farms to family tables everywhere. Our team pursues sustainable agriculture and efficient production with care and pride.



We aim to become the leading provider of locally-grown agricultural goods in communities nationwide. We envision expansive farmlands yielding healthy crops, barns filled with ethically raised livestock, vibrant facilities processing nutritious ingredients, and trucks continuously delivering high-quality organic foods from our family farms to Nigerian families coast to coast. We see a future where people associate FAG with farm-to-table nutrition, community uplift, and ag-sector innovation.

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